(GIS) – A joyous performance of the ever-popular The Sound of Music by the Sunrise Adult Training Centre enthralled an appreciative audience at the Harquail Theatre Wednesday, 21 June from 7 p.m. The players were mainly the clients of the centre in the elaborate performance.

At the show, art work by the centre’s clients was on sale in the lobby. Additionally, Acting Director Kimberley Voaden handed over a Sunrise Shining Star Award plaque to Assistant Adaptive Living Specialist, Ms Twila Rodgers for being the outstanding employee for the year. The Acting Director said, “Ms Rodgers received this year’s Shining Star award for excellence and faithfulness in all duties. Twila has maintained exemplary standards within her programme despite reduced staffing.”

This year’s production was chosen by secret ballot by the clients and staff, SATC’s Programme Support officer, Ms Stephanie Rattan said. “There was an overwhelming response to adapt the Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical, based on the popularity and familiarity of the music and story line. Once the show was chosen, clients and instructors in the Functional Academics department watched ‘The Sound of Music’ movie and re-wrote, scene by scene, their own version of the show,” she said.
“Auditions were held for each role just as would be done in other theatre groups. Once the adapted script was finalised and all roles were cast, rehearsals were held every day from March 2017 until show day,” Ms Rattan elaborated.
A total of 28 SATC clients participated in the production, along with staff, caregivers, volunteers and guests making appearances.
“It was cumulative effort”
“Our productions use all members of staff, caregivers, and even rely upon contributions from members of the public,” commented Acting Director Kimberly Voaden.
“Our Life Skills Teacher, Ms. Laki Lee, managed the production so ably from the front of the stage. A large number of other staff was also integrally involved in the production, and without whom there would have been no show.”

Programme Support Assistant Stephanie Rattan was stage manager, and Occupational Therapist Philip Knowles worked alongside Patrick Lopez (from CNCF) to run the sound and lighting. Additional back stage support was provided by Programme Manager Julie Welds-Kandler, Bus Warden/ Programme Assistant Diego Kelly, Functional Life Skills Teacher Will Delgaty, Occupational Therapy Assistant Andre Dixon, and Bus Driver William Medina.
Onstage and offstage support was provided by Bus Driver Javin Powery, Occupational Therapy Assistant Aimee Gilman, Bus Warden/Programme Support Assistant Samantha McLaughlin, and Assistant Adaptive Living Specialist Twila Rodgers. Costumes were ably managed by Vocational Programme Coordinator Suzzette Stewart, assisted by Adult Protective Services Worker Donna Wilson, Adaptive Living Specialist Brigitte Conolly, and Bus Warden/ Programme Support Assistant Marietta Williams.
Ms Voaden gratefully noted that several members of the community also volunteered their time, providing critical support. Brad Watts provided a singing voice for Jule Frazier (who played Rolf), during the song “16 going on 17”. Betty Ebanks, Laura Young, Brittani Ebanks, and Keisha Solomon provided support in the dressing rooms to ensure all the quick costume changes happened without a hitch. Jonathan Pedley climbed to the height of 35 ft to operate the ropes which raised and lowered backdrops, projector screens, etc.

Playbills were designed and printed by Centre Receptionist Chanel Ebanks. At the performance, the box office, craft table and concession stand were ably run by SRC Accounts & Office Administrator Glennis Solmon, assisted by her two daughters, Kayla Mitchell and Kristina Mitchell. Cayman Prep and High School students Raeanne Stewart and Erika Scotland shared their musical talents on the violin as part of the show, who were ably accompanied on the keyboard by volunteer, Nickolas DaCosta. Centre Pointe Dance Studio dancer, Annabella Voaden contributed to the “chicken dance” item in the play’s Competition scene. “I assisted wherever and whenever there was a need,” Ms Voaden said.
Other caregivers involved in the show included Ms. Dagny Smith (Jule Frazier’s caregiver), Ms. Sonia Rowe (Faith Brandt’s caregiver) and Mr. Francis Guevarra (Morgan Callan’s caregiver), she acknowledged.